For upgrading, the user may use the Direct Diagnostics tool to send the DirectX release installed on their computer type “dxdiag” into the “run option” in the start menu and then punch a button to execute this version. To the PC user who doesn’t have that latest version yet, it’s “the face of the world” to have games that they play that doesn’t work efficiently. DirectX 9 is the DirectX edition supported with high security, improved performance and many realistic improvements across all technologies. Well, if you heard of DirectX, but do not know the type of Direct X in Figure 9, then I don’t think you’re up to date enough with regard to the technologies behind your computer, videos and graphical games. Microsoft DirectX is a legion of technology designed primarily to make PC’s operating system into an idyllic environment for multimedia components that subsume 3D, video, full-color graphics, richly enhanced audio capabilities, etc.

The newest version of the Microsoft Windows Gaming API includes Microsoft’s powerful, new High-Level Shader Language (HLSL) and features its most sophisticated suite of design tools for the creation of rich multimedia components, such as the complete version of the new Microsoft Windows API. Microsoft DirectX 9 is a range of technologies designed to make Windows computers the perfect platform for multimedia-rich applications, such as graphics, video, 3D animation, and rich audio.

4 System Requirements for Microsoft DirectX 9 Filehippo.3 Download DirectX 9.0c for Windows Technical Setup Details.